

摘 要
During the past half of a century, human capital theory has been comprehensively spreaded in a wide range of fields in China and elsewhere and has been applied to various macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects, such as government policy, market operation and business management. These applications have acquired remarkable achievements. This book is based on available research theories by considering China’s reform and development practice and the main methodology is institutional economics, but gives the name of “human capital theory” directly. We analyze the hot topics that are frequently discussed by all the whole Chinese society under the theoretic framework of investment, production, accumulation, movement, realization and decision including unbalanced development problem, examination-oriented education system problem, running schools by the whole society problem, brain drain problem, stock share inspiration problem and China’s rise problem. Theoretic explanation will be given on each of them.
From the view point of human capital investment theory, the fundamental resource of the unbalanced economic development is the unbalanced human capital investment. This expressed on two dimensions: individuals’ unbalanced investment behaviour and unbalanced region economy. The reason behind these is the outdated educational institutional reform. If the role of government under the traditional planned economy cannot be corrected, the leading function of government on compulsory education cannot be fully employed and government educational investment transfer cannot reach the necessary place, all of which results in individuals and families’ unbalanced investment in education. Therefore, we should reform educational institution by considering individuals’ needs and try to balance individuals’ educational investment in order to solve the unbalanced economic development.
From the view point of human capital production theory, formal school educational system is the main department of human capital production in a large scale. Whether education can be developed in a consisted and healthy way will determine China can be transferred from a great country in human resources to a powerful country in human capital or not. However, due to the restrictions of China’s traditional culture and systematic environment, China trapped into a vigorous cycle of education that everyone in the whole country wants to take the entrance examination to higher education after importing western modern school education system and evolving for hundreds of years. In addition, we trapped deeper and deeper. Actually examination-oriented education system is the continuance of official standard and imperial examinations under the environment of current modern educational system. As a result, human capital production system cannot adjust the market environment of reform and open. Therefore, in order to strengthen the country, what we suppose is that we have to make a progress on education and to develop the education we have to reform. The future trend of examination-oriented education reform is to change the function of government thoroughly and return the independent authority of human capital to schools, individuals and the whole society. Under the background of multi-leveled society and democratization of market economy, developing the useful and discarding the useless official standard and imperial examinations function of traditional examination can re-build up the assignment function of education that is selecting the talented people.
From the view point of human capital accumulation theory, “the school run by the society force” is not a simple problem of “running school”, and it emphasizes more on how to "mobilize the masses" to take full advantage of "civil society" undertaking a lot of daily, subtle and gradual "socialization of human capital accumulation." The socialization of human capital accumulation is in fact a person in the entire life cycle as well as working career various stages of development, in order to achieve their established life and work goal, in accordance with her own life career path planning and design, in a targeted manner of their human resources carried out a series of development and re-development activities, including four basic areas of activity, which are general potential development, the interpersonal skills upgrading, innovative spirit and leadership skills training. In the social organizational form, the accumulation of human capital, including depending on social(civil, market) strength on education investment, running schools and non-formal educational training, as well as all the other activities that individuals or groups in their respective professional practice of "learning-by-doing" to accumulate and enhance human capital. In a long period of time of future, the general goal of China human capital accumulation is: adjusting the development of modern national educational trends to establish the overall operational framework that is suitable to the socialist market economy under the driven mechanism of market-oriented system innovation, which means the education should combine "autonomy of School running – government public administration - social pluralism cooperation" together. Promoting civil socialism study vigorously enable citizens to accumulate all kinds of practical, innovative and specialized human capital skills during the process of life-long learning, organized study and practice study.
From the view point of human capital movement, China as a developing country has experienced three levels of brain drain tide since the reform and open policy implemented and it is unavoidable to face the more and more serious problem of brain drain. All the human capital movement is actually the results of people’s reasonable selection under certain time and place restrictions that all the individuals would like to go to the prospected place. On solving this problem, we need to avoid short run behaviour and try not to use preferential policy. The policy basis points should be on the long-term development and try to build a fair competition environment that benefits the talents to emerge and all the people’s innovation and development. At the same time, we need to balance the advantages and disadvantages in the implementation of policies. Thus with the time going on, China will walk out from the primary stage of “flowing into physical capital and flowing out human capital” and transform to modern developed stage of “flowing out physical capital and flowing into human capital” in order to gain a strategy advantages of “peaceful rise” in the international competition environment of 21th century.
From the view point of human capital realization, the value of human capital needs to enter certain organization and combines with corresponding physical capital in order to realize it. “Human capital treated as stock share” is the basic logic and trend of modern property system. How to solve the contradiction that human capital and property are owned by different people is not only the theme of system operation and development in modern corporation, but also the base point and main problem of modern corporation human capital property system’s reform. “Stock share incentive” means transforming the human capital stock that owned by all the members of the company into stock shares of the company, which can let individuals acquire compensating reward as well as incremental and surplus benefits. Since 1992, human capital property system in Chinese corporation has experienced three tides. To China’s company, transforming human capital into stock share and popularizing stock incentives is no longer a theoretic problem, but how to practice it. The reform of human capital property system and popularizing stock incentives plan are the necessary and wise strategy direction of future Chinese corporations, which have a broad system innovation and application prospect.
From the view point of human capital decision, China’s rise, no matter how “specialized” is Chinese people’s rise. Whether it can realize the rise is not decided by “good wishes”, but whether China can accord with the international competition rule that the winner is people-oriented. China is the largest developing country in the world and many problems in the economic development is the people’s problem. There is a large amount of people, but the quality is comparatively low, which is the fundamental contradiction of China’s economic growth, and the largest challenge to China’s long-term persistent development and also the basic condition to realize “China’s rise”. From view of the inherent opportunity and external opportunity, if China can formulate and implement the strategy of catching up and surpassing “based on human capital” and “develop with the times” in politics and culture, then in the not too long period of 21th century to catch up and top the developed countries and become a world economic power, so as to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it can be said that it is completely possible.
In the history of economics, treat the human as capital to illustrate the role of people in the production and economic activities, the thoughts of which can be backward to a long time. From the 17th century William petty ‘s econometric research in the sense of "political arithmetic" to the founder of the classical political economy Adam Smith's classic explanation, and then to Marx’s unique and new explanation that based on "all-round human development", and the "vulgar economics" theoretical explanations. Based on this, the neo-classical economics made some further development. In the mid-20th, human capital theory was officially formed. The history of economics can be said to be after a long and tortuous "Mind" course. Hopefully, our academic colleagues can continue to work hard and make some more contribution to human capital theory.
目 录
1.1 人力资本及相关概念释义/2
1.2 人力资本形成:生产方式、投资类型及其特殊性/8
1.3 人力资本运营:基于资产特性与精神实质的配置/18
1.4 人力资本效应:投资收益与经济贡献/22
1.5 人力资本论:本书主题思路阐释/19
2.1 人力资本投资主体行为的“非均衡性扭曲”/47
2.2 人力资本投资区域非均衡性:三种维度描述/61
2.3 走出“非均衡陷阱”:人力资本投资与全面协调发展/66
3.1 现代教育产业:人力资本专业化大规模生产体系/79
3.2 “废科举,兴学堂”:中国近代国民教育体系的缘起/87
3.3 “政府包揽,统招办学”:当代中国应试教育制度变迁/91
3.4 “应试寻租,阻滞创新”:应试教育制度之弊/96
3.5 制度变革与产业发展:中国人力资本生产未来走势/103
4.1 人力资本社会化积累的基本途径和方式/113
4.2 依托社会资本和市场力量推动教育多元化发展/121
4.3 发挥公民社会力量不断提升国民素质和人力资本水平/131
4.4 中国人力资本社会化积累总目标/140
5.1 “人往高处走”:人力资本流动的基本规律/150
5.2 中国“人才外流”:问题描述/156
5.3 顺应人力资本流动规律,化解“人才流失”危机/162
6.4 ESO股权激励计划:操作要点及政策规范/197
7.1 “中国崛起”:新世纪国际社会聚焦点/210
7.2 “以人为本者胜”:中国崛起应遵循的国际竞争法则/216
7.3 “人本赶超”:中国经济崛起的战略选择/225
8.1 古典政治经济学:人力资本论的学术思想源头/241
8.2 马克思主义学说:人力资本论的“人本”思想渊源/244
8.3 “庸见”真知:人力资本论的主流传统/249
8.4 新古典学派:对当代人力资本论有直接影响的三位宗师/255
8.5 “增长剩余”解析:当代人力资本论学术缘起/263
8.6 人力资本论经典学说:三位主要创始人的奠基性贡献/268
8.7 人力资本论:经济学中经验应用最多的理论之一/272


1 Human Capital Theory Framework: Basic Theory and Explanation
1.1 Human Capital and Related Concepts
1.2 The Forming of Human Capital: Production method, Investment type and Its Unique Characters
1.3 The Operation of Human Capital: Based on the Property of Capital and the Assignment of Spirit Essence
1.4 The Effect of Human Capital: Investment Benefits and Economics Contribution
1.5 Human Capital Theory: The Main Idea of the Book
2 Human Capital Investment and Unbalanced Development
2.1 The Unbalanced Distort of Main Body’s Behaviour in Human Capital Investment 2.2 The Unbalanced Investment Region of Human Capital: Three Dimensions’ Description
2.3 Work out “Unbalanced Trap”: Human Capital Investment and All Round Development
3 Human Capital Production and Examination-oriented Institution
3.1 Modern Education Industry: Specialized Human Capital Large Scale Production System
3.2 “Abolish Imperial Examinations, Run New School”: The Origin of China’s Modern National Education System
3.3 “The Government Undertake the Whole Thing, Unified Recruitment and Running School”: The Movement of China’s Modern Examination-oriented Education System
3.4 “Examination-oriented Seeking Rent, Block Innovation”: Disadvantages of Examination-oriented Educational System
3.5 System Reform and Industry Development: The Future Trend of China’s Human Capital Production.
4 Human Capital Accumulation and Running School by the Social Force
4.1 The Basic Approach and Method of Human Capital Socialism Accumulation
4.2 Promote Education Diversified Development by Social Capital and Market Force
4.3 Raise National People’s Quality and Human Capital Level by Exerting Citizens’ Social Force
4.4 The Overall Target of China’s Human Capital Socialism Accumulation
5 Human Capital Movement and Brain Drain
5.1 “People Move to the Good Place”: the Basic Rule of Human Capital Movement
5.2 China’s Brain Drain: Problem’s Description
5.3 Obey the Human Capital Movement Rule, Resolve Brain Drain Crisis
6 Human Capital Realization and Stock Share Incentive
6.1 The Systematic Logic of Human Capital Property Reform in Modern Corporation
6.2 Stock-ownership by Human Capital: The History Trend of Modern Corporation System Movement
6.3 Three Tides of Human Capital Property Institutional Reform in China’s Corporation
6.4 ESO Incentive Plan: Manipulation Gist and Policy Criterion
7 Human Capital Decision and China’s Rise
7.1 “China’s Rise”: the Focus Point of New Century International Society
7.2 “People Oriented Win”: The International Competition Rule Should be Followed by “China Rise”
7.3 “People Oriented Surpass”The Strategy Selection of China Economic Rise.
8 The Origin of Human Capital Theory:An Economics History Survey
8.1 Classical Politics Economics: The Academic Thoughts Origin of Human Capital Theory
8.2 Maxism: “People-oriented” Thoughts Origin of the Human Capital
8.3 The Truth in “Bourgeois Vulgar Economics”: The Main Tradition of Human Capital Theory
8.4 Neoclassicism: Three Influential Masters on Modern Human Capital Theory
8.5 “Growth Surplus” Explanation: The Origin of Modern Academic Thoughts in Human Capital Theory
8.6 Classical Human Capital Theory: Three Founders’ Main Contribution
8.7 Human Capital Theory: One of the Theory that Has Been Widely Used in Economics


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