

2011630日至71日,在院学术委员会主任李实教授的带领下,我中心主任李宝元教授随代表团一行11人,赴匈牙利布达佩斯参加由北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院(SEBA)、匈牙利科学院经济研究所(IE CASS)与中国社科院经济研究所(IEHAS)联合举办的“ Economics of Crisis, Education and Labour Chinese-Huangarian International Conference.
李宝元教授向大会递交的学术论文题目为: The construction of four-dimensional evaluation system of international human resource competitiveness, the measurement and the comparison。 Abstract: This paper constructs a four-dimensional evaluation system of international human resource competitiveness, involving supporting economic development, education, market disposition and health security. Using the data of 34 countries from 2004 to 2007, the paper measures the levels of human resource competitiveness of the 34 countries during the four years and divides them into three classes, using the method of cluster analysis. Based on these, the international competitive landscape of human resource and changes taken place during the four years are described. This analysis would be helpful in estimating China`s relative position of human resource competiveness on international level and predicting its growing trend. Key words : international competitiveness of human resource; four-dimensional evaluation system; cluster analysis.


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