

个人 - 组织价值观契合如何激发企业员工的创造性表现?
How is P-O Value Congruence Related to Creative Behavior?
Interactional Effect of Organization and Leadership
嘉宾 :高昂清华大学组织行为与人力资源系博士生
□ 主持人: 李宝元 经济管理学院人力资源管理系主任
摘要: 组织创新文化价值在激发员工创造力方面发挥着重要作用;创新文化较弱时,企业员工是否必然只有糟糕的创造性表现?本研究运用创造力交互影响理论,检验个人-组织价值观契合对员工创造力的直接影响,并讨论直属上司变革型领导力的潜在交互作用。我们运用多项式回归与效应面分析方法对中国54家企业468个配对样本数据进行分析,基于竞争价值模型的分析结果表明:(1)对于活力价值取向,个人-组织价值契合度与员工创造性表现呈现倒U型关系;(2)上司变革型领导与个人-组织价值契合对员工创造性表现有显著的交互影响。我们对本文的理论与实践意义做出进一步讨论。
关键词: 个人-组织价值契合;创造力;变革型领导
Abstract: Supporting working environment such as innovative climate is desirable for employees to engage in creative behaviors; however this does not imply that leaders have no room to promote their followers’ creativity under less innovative climates. Adopting interactional perspective of creativity, we examine the effect of person-organization value congruence on employee creativity and the potential interactional effect of the immediate supervisor’s transformational leadership. We use both polynomial regression and response surface method to analyze 468 dyadic individuals from 54 Chinese companies. Based on competing value framework, we found the following: (1) under adhocracy value there is an inverse U-shaped relationship between person-organization incongruence and employee creativity; and (2) under the leadership of a transformational supervisor, value congruence can significantly improve employee creativity. We discuss the implications of these results for research and practice.
Keywords: P-O Value Congruence; Creativity; Transformational Leadership
时间 2013111日(星期五)下午3:00-5:00
地点 :后主楼1610会议室


地址:北京市新街口外大街19号 北京师范大学新主楼1626室 联系电话:010-58807634